1. Cool Wallpapers HD & Retina Free with Facebook & Twitter for iPhone iPod iPad - Kappboom Inc.
The #1 Ranked and Best Wallpapers app with over 100,000 beautiful and cool wallpapers at your fingertips! Download NOW for FREE!
Here at Kappboom we work hard day and night to bring you the Best Wallpapers. Our caring and dedicated staff makes sure that our content is age-friendly. Our developers work around the clock to constantly improve our applications, and to stay the best!
Download now at
Cool Wallpapers HD & Retina Free with Facebook & Twitter for iPhone iPod iPad - Kappboom Inc. (For iPhone or iPod)
Cool Wallpapers HD & Retina Free with Facebook & Twitter for iPhone iPod iPad - Kappboom Inc. (For iPad)
2. Pimp Your Screen - Custom Themes and Wallpapers for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad - Apalon Apps
Pimp Your Screen is an award-winning app that helps you customize the look of your device by giving you an exclusive selection of specially designed backgrounds, icon skins, app shelves, neon combos and many other eye candies.
You no longer have to set the image you prefer first and then go back to the Home screen and see how it looks with the icons on it. Pimp Your Screen has an instant preview feature that allows you to quickly preview your new background or app shelf.
Download now at
Pimp Your Screen - Custom Themes and Wallpapers for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad - Apalon Apps (For iPhone and iPod)
Pimp Your Screen - Custom Themes and Wallpapers for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad - Apalon Apps (For iPad)
3. Icons Skins 2 for iOS7 FREE - Giorgi Otiashvili
Application includes High Quality, Original and Unique Home Screen Backgrounds. We know that there are many wallpaper and home screen background applications on the App Store, but here are some reviews, please check it out:
Download now at
Icons Skins 2 for iOS7 FREE - Giorgi Otiashvili (For iPhone, iPod, iPad)
4. 10,000+ Animal Wallpapers & Backgrounds & Retina Free - Tian Yi
A great collection of beautiful animals right on you iPhone, perfect for all people that love animals, you can browse the pictures in the application, mark you favorite one, see a slide show, or set it as your iPhone's wallpaper
Download now at
10,000+ Animal Wallpapers & Backgrounds & Retina Free - Tian Yi (For iPhone,iPod, iPad)
5. Blurred Wallpapers Free - Custom Backgrounds and Wallpaper Images - Apalon Apps
Meet the next generation of wallpaper apps: now YOU choose a unique look and appearance of your device in just a few slides. Fast and easy. Don't waste your time browsing through the old school wallpaper libraries, instead, let your inner creativity fill in the gap. Simple, yet stylish solution.
The app is designed to let you come up with a completely unique Home or Lock Screen every time. No one will have a similar wallpaper!
Download now at
Blurred Wallpapers Free - Custom Backgrounds and Wallpaper Images - Apalon Apps (For iPhone, iPod)
Blurred Wallpapers Free - Custom Backgrounds and Wallpaper Images - Apalon Apps (For iPad)
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